Simone brought a new vegetarian cook book the other day and wanted to make a sweet potato frittata that she'd found in it. So yesterday we decided to make it for lunch, the only problem was that it didn't exist, we searched the book about 3 times and checked the index and it definitely wasn't in there! So instead we just invented a new one with the only things we had left in our cupboards (we're poor students waiting for the loan to come!) and surprisingly it was a success!
A glug of olive oil
Firstly we put a good glug of olive oil, the sweet potato and onion in a large frying pan and cook, covered on a medium heat for 10 minutes. Then add the red pepper, season well and cook for a further 10 minutes until all the vegetables have softened. Beat the eggs in a large bowl, pour the vegetables in and mix well. Then put all of the mixture back into the pan and cook for about 5 minutes. When the bottom is cooked place the pan under the grill to cook the top for a few minutes, when it's fairly browned top with the cheese (and black pepper if you want) and leave until the cheese is bubbling. Serve with some salad (if you have any) and enjoy!
1 Sweet potato sliced thinly
1 Red onion sliced
1 Red pepper chopped
6 eggs
As much grated cheese as you like
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